Thursday, March 1, 2012

Film Noir - Pre-Production - Plot & Diary Entry

Detective – Dixon (Detective Dixon)
Assistant Detective – Miles (Detective Miles)
Femme Fatale (Glamorous Girl) – Lola
Villain – Bruno

Detective Dixon and Miles are working on a series of murder cases that are all linked to the infamous “Bruno”. No matter how hard they try, whenever they get close to finding evidence against the murderer he always seems to slip away. It could be coincidence or just the criminal mind overpowering the detective’s skills. The truth of the murders is closer than he imagines and is right under his nose without realising.
Dixon follows Miles on a bleak night to distant alleyway. Miles meets a shadowy figure – the criminal, Bruno. Muffled words are all that the detective can hear from the conversation, without warning a gunshot is heard and all that is left is Miles’ body left to die. Dixon runs towards Miles’ body. As he reaches for his body to comfort his fallen detective, a glamorous femme fatale appear from the darkness because the beckoning gunshot drew her towards her fallen fiancé.
Mile’s dying words share his loves for his fiancé and the recognition of his caring detective Dixon. His final last words are “I’m so sorry Dixon, I’ve let you down.” This perplexes Dixon, leaving him and Miles’ fiancé wondering what his late detective meant by this.

Diary Entry - As we move through the pre-production process, more and more of the stages are being completed / are in the process of being completed. The plot that is written above was originally constructed as a draft to aid me in the script writing phase. It gave me clear instructions as to what write and how the characters should be talking to one another etc.
We now begin to confir as to who may star in our production and who would be suitable in the desired roles.

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