Thursday, February 23, 2012

Film Noir - Pre-Production - Script & Diary Entry

Film Noir - Script

Diary entry - the group has decided that we delegate through the pre-production elements equally so that the work load is not more dominant on one of the team members. I have taken the role of scipt writer and managed to complete our first and quite possibly only draft as the the rest of the production members have checked through and read the dialogue and actions.

By delegating through the pre-production roles allows the process to become more smoothly as the different tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently ready for the filming process. I believe our team is working through these elements well as we contribute equally through them.

Below is the first draft of our script, I orginally wrote the whole thing by myself after confiring with my other production member's aspects such as; the main plot, storyline and also what the basic dialogue would be.

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