Thursday, March 1, 2012

Film Noir - Pre-Production - Character Bio's & Diary Entry

Character Bio's

Diary Entry - As the filming date comes closer more and more of the pre-production tasks have been completed. The next challenge that we need to over come is arranging suitable actors to be availible for our filming date. I live next door to a famous actor Warwick Davis that has starred in the likes of Star Wars, Willow, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and many more. I do intend to ask for his availability, but at this moment in time I am unsure as to whether we may be able to use him.
Other actors with the desired age ranges for our characters are hard to come by, unlike in the preliminary task the actors were people from our school. One of the team members Luke has said that some of his family are willing to act for us which maybe resorted to if other actors cannot be achieved.

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