Thursday, January 26, 2012

Film Noir - Target Audience - Analysis

Throughout my study of the Film Noir genre I created a questionnaire to be filled out by a selection of people across different age groups. Here are my findings;

The majority of people that said 'yes' to watching Film Noir productions fall in the 31-50 or 50+ category. By seeing these results insinuates the older generation tend to watch Film Noirs more than the newer and younger age group. This then gives our production team what sort of people will be interested in the genre and what aspects these people will be interested in and what sort of things they would want to see in a Film Noir production.

This next graph shows us that more male individuals watch Film Noirs than females. This also narrows down what our target audience will actually be. If more males are watching these production then ours must incoporate more of the conventions that males are interested in. The next graph shows this.

This amount of data is from the seven males that said they watch or have watched Film Noir productions. As you can see they are more interested in a crime based feel to a film with the odd occasion of action and romance. If this is what the audience has said then I feel that we need to include these 'sub genres' into the production as it will suit are target audience accordingly.

This next graph is discovering the target audience's economical status. In the post before, the explanations of the ratings are written in the questionnaire. From the findings, the most common staus was in the C1 category. Only a couple related to B and C2 with none coming under A or D. By knowing that the target audience that watches Film Noirs are primarily in the sections of C1 and B means that they will generally be into more in depth aspects such as complex storylines or things such as unknowing twists and turns in a plot. This is something to consider when a storyline is being constructed and a script is being written.

The next question in the questionnaire is 'If any, what was the last Film Noir that you watched?'. For the people that put a response, many of them had watched the well-known Matltese Faction which starred the iconic star Humphrey Bogart. Other productions such as A Sweet Smell Of Success and Sunset Boulevard were also mentioned. These again gives an idea of what the target audience enjoys watching and with the use of the next question which asks what things they liked about Film Noirs emphasized what our production should in fact include. Some of the responses incorporated the idea of murder, crime and also some sort of problem that a detective has to solve. In the production, these aspects can be used to meet the needs of the target audience. Even things such as distinct characters were mentioned which we shall also include in our Film Noir opening.

Who is your target audience?
To conclude, I believe that our main target audience will be from a male gender as proved in the second graph. This generally eliminates the fact of a strong romance theme within the plotline, althoug conventional, it may not apply to the whole of our target audience. Romance may be replaced with a convention of murder or something along those lines as the male dominance in the questionnaires became apparent when the data was collated.

The age range of our target audience is generally in the older generations. None of the under 16's that filled out a questionnaire had watched a Film Noir production therefore they were cancelled out of the equation leaving the 50+ category the majority that had watched one or more. Again, the collated data had given us a more in depth analysis of what our target audience would be. So far we had discovered that the age range was between 35-50+. This gave us a general idea of what aspect they would want.

The final graph insinuated the economic status of our target audience with them mainly coming under the C1 category. This again narrows down what our target audience will be. The C1 category is mainly supervisory, clerical and junior management based professions.

What will they require from your Film Noir?
From the data collected from the sub genres and the comments added in at the bottom of the questionnaire, it gave us a good idea of what our desired target audience will want to see in our production. The target audience mentioned that distinct characters in the opening should be notified to the audience when watching the short production. As well as this, the target audience specified a necessary detective to be starred in the production which will be incoporated into it.

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