Thursday, October 6, 2011

Recce Checklist

A recce is short for a 'reconoitre'. This is a principle of going to the location and surverying it before filming. When going on a reece there are several things that must be assessed when viewing and searching through a location.

Recce Checklist
Are there any toilet facilities that are easily accessible?
Do you have to have a permit to film here?
Is there suitable parking around the filming location?
Are there any noticeable sound implications such as busy road, aeroplanes, birds etc.
Is the surrounding area 'filming friendly'?
Would electrical outlets be easily accessible when it comes to connecting lights or cameras?
Are there any health risks around the location?
For the location, would there be any time restrictions for filming?
Is the location easily accessible?

Probably the most important part of a recce would be taking lots and lots of pictures. Pictures show the producer and directors the main features of the location and gives them direct knowledge of the appearance of the location. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of pictures are taken when a recce goes to locations. It gives an in depth photographic and visual view of the location to help the director and producer decide on where they willl shoot a scene. If they plan to film a really long sequence then making the right decision on the right location is vital.

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